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Network Insights - Advisor

Company: Cisco
App checksum
md5 : 00d0b58ff6c6a9cd605615c5d2f6b5ae


The networks you maintain continues to grow in scale and complexity. It is critical to know that the devices in your network are in a healthy state. This helps minimize downtime and in running your operations smoothly.

Network Insights Advisor (NIA) application scans your datacenter and provides proactive advice with the focus on maintaining availability. NIA runs serviceability jobs that examine if the devices are running an appropriate version of the software, informs about any known issues with the software or hardware. Through the Flow State Validator feature, NIA also helps detect and isolate problematic nodes in the network by accounting for packet drops in a given flow with added functionality of performing consistency checks along the path. It creates advisories for issues found and suggests remediation steps. NIA focuses on actionable recommendations based on known issues and Cisco best practices.

NIA continues to provide the latest information to Customers as applicable to their network by updating information from Cisco Cloud.

NIA on APIC requires Cisco Application Services Engine.